Documents for Wedsite/App

Below are the files you might find helpful for my project. I tried to find a place on Upwork where I could post these documents, but didn't see one. I am obviously not super technical as you can tel by this website!

Process Flow

This PDF document walks you through what I expect my driver to do as he interacts with the website/app.


This Excel manifest document is an actual downloaded manifest (I deleted names and tracking numbers).


This is the same file as above except I had to delete the first tab titled "Header" so I could create the maps below.


This GPX document is an actual downloaded manifest. I would prefer to use the Excel file becasue it has the more useful information.

Map 1

This screenshot of the Google map shows the data from the Excel manifest uploaded to Google Maps. It does not show on the image, but on the actual map if you zoom in the address shows next to the marker.

Map 2 shows marker info from manifest

This screenshot of the google map shows the additional information from the mainfest when the marker is clicked on. I would like this information to be available as well.